

马景云从事医学英文编辑长达30余年, 具有丰富的医学英文编辑经验,了解SCI杂志工作流程与稿件刊出标准, 是本领域具备医学知识、英文编辑、期刊出版等多种技能的英文编辑专家。迄今已编辑医学英文论文上万余篇,并成功指导和帮助许多作者在SCI杂志发表文章。马景云曾在美国医学会杂志《JAMA》、英国医学杂志《BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL》、耳鼻喉头颈外科杂志《JOURNAL OF OTOLANRONGOLOGY HEAD&NECK SURGERY》等国际知名杂志学习和工作; 曾担任《中华医学杂志(英文版)》(CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL)和《世界胃肠病学杂志》(WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY) 编辑部主任、编审; 中国医学科学院、北京协和医学院国际合作处处长等职。马景云曾担任国际科学编辑服务商资深顾问。

Barbara Gastel

Barbara Gastel 是国际知名医学写作与编辑专家。现任美国德克萨斯A&M大学 (Texas A&M University)生物科学、医学人文学、生物技术科学教授。曾担任美国加利福尼亚大学医学院副院长。Gastel博士发表了大量有关医学写作与出版著作与文章,获得多项国际和国内医学编辑成就奖。担任AuthorAID首席特约专家,为指导广大作者,提别是指导和帮助非母语英文作者成功发表论文做出了杰出贡献。Gastel还是中国医学出版界的老朋友,曾多次接受邀进行有关医学写作与编辑讲座与报告。

Barbara Gastel, a physician specializing in biomedical writing and editing, is professor of integrative biosciences, humanities in medicine, and biotechnology at Texas A&M University, where she coordinates the master's degree program in science and technology journalism.

Dr. Gastel earned a BA from Yale and an MD and MPH from Johns Hopkins.

After medical school, she did an American Association for the Advancement of Science mass media fellowship at Newsweek. She then worked in communication and administration at the National Institutes of Health. She also has taught science writing at MIT, and she spent two years as visiting professor of technical communication at Beijing Medical University (now Peking University Health Science Center). Before coming to Texas A&M University in 1989, she was assistant dean for teaching at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine.

Dr. Gastel is the author of three books: Presenting Science to the Public  (ISI Press, 1983), Teaching Science: A Guide for College and Professional School Instructors (Oryx Press, 1991), and Health Writer's Handbook, now in its second edition (Blackwell Publishing, 2005). In addition, she has authored, with Robert A. Day, the most recent editions of How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (ABC-CLIO, 2006, 2011, and 2016). She also has written many articles and chapters on writing, editing, teaching, and medical topics. From 2000 to 2010, she edited Science Editor, the periodical of the Council of Science Editors.

From 1996 through 2007, Dr. Gastel directed the US aspect of a program, funded by the China Medical Board of New York, to teach English-language biomedical writing and editing in Asia. Since its establishment in 2007, she has played a lead role in AuthorAID (www.authoraid.info), a UK-based project to help researchers in developing countries to write about and publish their work.

Dr. Gastel has received awards from the American Medical Writers Association

and the Council of Science Editors, and she is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 2006, the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences named her an Honored Editor in the Life Sciences. She was the 2010 recipient of the John P. McGovern Science and Society Award, given by the scientific research society Sigma Xi. She also received the 2012 Texas A&M University Distinguished Achievement Award for Extension, Outreach, Continuing Education, or Professional Development and the 2015 Texas A&M University Bush Excellence Award for Faculty in Public Service.

Cathel Kerr

科尔博士曾就读格拉斯哥大学微生物学和阿伯丁大学疱疹病毒学专业,取得博士学位。先后在EMBase 以及多家医学期刊(包括:Lancet Infections Diseases and Lancet Oncology, Springer旗下系列杂志, WJG等)担任新闻撰稿人和医学编辑。 具备丰富的医学编辑经验。 Dr. Kerr originally studied microbiology at Glasgow University and went on to complete a PhD on herpes viruses at Aberdeen University. He then specialized in electron microscopy and continued for a few years in post-doctoral research on ultrasound treatment of cancer. This was followed by a diploma in information studies, and he has worked in medical and drug information since 1991. Dr Kerr has worked previously as an indexer for EMBase and other pharmaceutical databases, a news writer for several journals including Lancet Infections Diseases and Lancet Oncology, and as a copyeditor for Springer and the Society for General Microbiology. In addition to editing, he works on product literature databases for a number of leading pharmaceutical companies. Dr Kerr edits in the medical and life sciences, with a particular interest in microbiology and infectious diseases. He is a member of the Society for General Microbiology.

Joan Webster

Joan R. Webster博士从事科学编辑20余年。曾在汤森路透科技、国际科学编辑、百世等出版集团等担任科学编辑,专业涵盖:肿瘤学、胃肠病学、放射学、内外科、环境毒理学等。

Dr. Webster has twenty years of experience in science editing. She was employed as a Biomedical Indexer for 14 years with Crossaig/Thomson Scientific Ltd (now Thomson Reuters). She worked as science editor with Edanz Editing and International Science Editing for 6 years and with WJG and PI2 Solutions for 7-8 years. Specialty: Oncology, Gastroenterology, Radiology, Surgery, Internal Medicine and Environmental Toxicology.

Naveed Saleh

Naveed Saleh是科学新闻学博士。担任多家杂志和出版商医学作家与编辑。发表和出版了大量有关医学写作与编辑著作与论文,受到广大读者的欢迎与认可。曾获得2010年卫生与医学写作 Apex 奖。

Naveed Saleh attained a bachelor's degree in biology from Cornell University, a medical degree from Wayne State University School of Medicine, and a master's degree in science journalism (with an informal concentration in psychology) from Texas A&M University in College Station. Naveed is a freelance medical writer and editor who has written for a variety of national publications and content-marketing teams. He's also written and edited for many prominent physicians and researchers and is a consultant, instructor, and course developer with F+W Media/Writer's Digest. Naveed was a contributing writer at The New Physician magazine, where he performed a professional internship and won a 2010 Apex Award for Health & Medical Writing. Currently, Naveed is the Medical Treatments expert at Verywell (previously About Health) and blogs with Psychology Today. Naveed's first book with a major publisher (Writer's Digest Books/F+W Media) was released in early 2014. The book is titled The Complete Guide to Article Writing: How to Write Successful Articles for Online and Print Markets.  In December 2014, this book became an Amazon Best Seller.

Anne Roemmele

Anne Roemmele曾担任多家医学期刊语言编辑、以及科技项目管理工作,含项目申请书撰写、项目进展监督、 以及项目进展报告。

Anne Roemmele worked as a language editor for a few medical journals, maintaining quality of work under tight deadlines. She managed projects from writing proposals to monitoring progress of indicators and activities, and providing concise reports to stakeholders on project objectives and achievements



